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Checking & Savings Accounts

Rushville State Bank offers a variety of checking and savings deposit accounts to meet the needs of our community.

You can access most accounts through our online and mobile products, allowing you to make Rushville State Bank your hometown bank even when Rushville or Schuyler County are not your current home.

Whether you need an account with a low balance requirement and limited transaction activity, need access with a Rushville State Bank debit card, or want interest paid on your funds, we have an account that will meet your needs.

The information table shown below is for comparison purposes only.  Full account disclosures are available
upon request by contacting us at 217-322-3323 or in person at 100 E. Lafayette Street, Rushville, IL 62681.

Accounts Basic Regular N.O.W. Checking* Money Market Statement Savings Christmas Club
Opening Deposit $100 $100 $1000 $2500 $100 $5
Minimum Balance ** n/a $500 $1000 $2500 $100 n/a
Minimum Balance Charge ***
Per Statement Cycle
$2.50 $5 $10 $10 $5 n/a
Per Item Charge
per statement
$0.25 ‡
n/a n/a $10 ‡‡
$1 ‡‡‡
Interest Bearing X X X

*The N.O.W. Checking product is available only to individuals, non-profit organizations, government organizations, and sole proprietorships in accordance with Regulation D.

**If the Balance in the respective account falls below the Minimum Balance shown during any day of an account statement cycle, the minimum balance charge shown will be imposed for that statement cycle. The Basic Checking Account charges a $2.50 service charge each statement cycle regardless of the minimum balance

***The minimum balance charge on Regular Checking Accounts and Savings Accounts is waived on accounts held by full-time students, persons 22 years of age or younger, persons 65 years of age or older, and by religious and non-profit organizations.

After 12 debit/withdrawals per statement cycle per item

‡‡ After six third-party items paid per statement cycle per item

‡‡‡ After 6 debit/withdrawals per statement cycle per item

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